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Essay/Term paper: Catcher in the rye - a sequel

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Catcher in the Rye

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Catcher In The Rye - A Sequel

Loomis Chaffee

Chapter 1

Another day another school...I thought about this new school they placed
me in. They said I will like it. Well I'll be the one to decide that. Next thing
I know I'm on a 6:30 train to Windsor, CT.
It was a Thursday and I received a call from Mr.Spencer, well it wasn't
really for me but for my parents. I immediately new who it was, you can just
hear it's a school teacher. One can just hear that over the phone. After the
phone hangs up I hear a yell, "Holden, front and center!" Then we go throughout
that whole, we had a discussion with, and all that crap. Then I received the
news, after speaking to Mr.Spencer we have decided to send you to Loomis Chaffee.
"Loomis Chaffee!" I said, trying to keep my cool. Why and how did you choose
Loomis Chaffee? Then they gave me that same old response. Well Mr.Spencer
teaches at a prep school and. I didn't let them finish the sentence. "NO!" I
exclaimed. I refuse to go to one of those prep schools, all of the little kids
are phonies. But then as abruptly as that little conversation started, it ended.
They said, "You are going come Saturday and you can't do a thing about it."
So then they say, "We will get you a train ticket for the earliest train
out of Central Station." I stormed out, knowing that I was defenseless against
them I went straight into my room and packed, thinking of ways to get back at
them. I thought then I realized that I shouldn't even bother wasting my time, I
knew that it would be a small time before I would be kicked out anyhow.
Bags outside the door at 5:00 A.M. So your father can put them on the
car. A couple days went by, as boring as any other days. I mostly sat around on
my bed thinking about those phony people I will be stuck with. Hopefully I can
be stuck with a roommate who resembles good ol' Jane Gallagher. But not those
dumb preps like at Pencey and Elkton Hills. I can't stand those people, they try
to be people which they are clearly not, that just makes me so...MAD.
Huuuuaaaaaaa I just gotta sit down, all of this new school, Connecticut business
is getting to me. I mean where is Connecticut, I never was really good at
geography, now it catches up with you. Now is one of those times which I really
could use someone to talk with whhhhhheeeeeewwwwww, I'm just gonna get to bed.

Chapter 2

Holden!!! Get Up!!! It's Time To Go!!!


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